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Impact Framework Library

Check out our library of Impact Framework templates to get inspired, see how your peers are measuring impact, and to streamline the creation of your own Impact Framework

Example Impact Frameworks

Our mission is to empower organizations with the knowledge and tools to accelerate the impact of their missions. To deliver on this, we're making it easy for organizations to get started with creating an Impact Framework, and impact measurement overall, by building out the world's largest ecosystem of impact data.

Each Impact Framework below outlines the organization's mission, vision, and objectives, as well as the Key Impact Indicators (KIIs) they're tracking to measure how they're delivering on their objectives.

✅ Pro Tip: Bookmark this page so you can easily access it in the future!

Click on each of the example Impact Frameworks below to view it as a PDF:

Framework Sample:

Framework Sample:
ICU baby

Framework Sample:
Camelback Ventures

Framework Sample:

Framework Sample:
Girls in the Game

Framework Theme:
Workforce Development

Framework Theme:
Affordable Housing

Framework Theme:
BIPOC Entrepreneurship

Framework Theme:

Framework Theme:
Health & Wellness Recovery Program

Framework Theme:
Early Education

Framework Theme:
Youth Development

Framework Theme: Sports
Based Youth Develoment

Framework Theme:
Civic Engagement

Learn More About the Define Stage of DeCAL

Building Out Your Impact Framework

Within the Define stage of our DeCAL Methodology, UpMetrics will guide you through the creation of a strategic and effective Impact Framework, which enables you to define and operationalize how you measure and communicate your social or environmental impact both internally and externally.

In alignment with your organization's Vision, Mission, and Values, we'll help you select the right Key Impact Indicators (KIIs) to track within a number of different dimensions that will enable you to measure progress towards your goals.

Dimensions of Impact

  • Who: Who are you serving - e.g Demographics / characteristics, # of recipients
  • What: What are you delivering and how much - e.g Product, services, capital 
  • Quality: What is the quality of your delivery - e.g NPS, utilization, retention  
  • Better Off: How are those who you are serving better off? 
  • Community Contribution: With a lens of contribution (vs. attribution) you'll select community level measures that you want to track within your impact theme to support your strategy and execution