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Impact Accelerator Initiative

Supporting 25,000 Nonprofits with Free Technology and Tools that Accelerate Impact

What is the Impact Accelerator Initiative?

UpMetrics' Impact Accelerator Initiative offers nonprofits free access to our platform and resources to support collective learning and mission-aligned impact on a larger scale.

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The goal?

Help 25,000 nonprofit organizations build out impact frameworks at absolutely no cost to them by the end of 2024.

Why is this important?

Empowering the nonprofit community with the resources to more easily own, manage, and share their success measures - both pre- and post-grant award - will improve their ability to make data-driven decisions, attract mission-aligned capital, and inspire others to support or join their cause.

How will we achieve our goal?

To execute on this vision we're asking mission-driven organizations to partner with us (at no cost) to share this program with nonprofits in their network.

Nonprofits Receive

  • Free access to UpMetrics to build, manage and share their Impact Framework

  • Connect with one of our Impact Measurement & Management teammates to review and validate their framework

  • Publish their validated Impact Framework to our searchable Impact Framework Community

  • Get connected to mission-aligned impact funders

Funders Receive

  • Ability to support grantees with free resources that empower them to measure and tell their story of impact

  • Opportunity to lean into trust-based philanthropy, supporting nonprofits based on shared impact goals - pre and post grant award 

  • Ability to identify mission-aligned grantees via a searchable Community of Impact Frameworks

  • Invitation to join one of our Impact Learning Collectives to collaborate with a larger group of organizations focused on similar impact issue areas

How to Participate & Support the Initiative


Nonprofits: Sign Up for Free Starter Plan

UpMetrics' Starter Plan gives you free, unlimited access to foundational features of our platform, perfect for getting started.

These include our impact framework builder, themed framework templates, and the ability to create and publish a public profile page.

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Funders: Partner with Us

We're looking for grantmakers to partner with us (at no cost to you!) to share and make this program available to nonprofits within your network.

If you're interested in partnering with us or learning more, please click below to complete our form and someone will reach out to provide more information.


How does an Impact Framework help Nonprofits?

  • Stand out in grant applications and fundraising initiatives by making your goals and results crystal clear to funders and partners.
  • Clearly communicate your mission and impact so everyone understands your value.
  • Set measurable objectives that guide your strategy and show real progress.
  • Focus on the right actions to fulfill your mission effectively.
  • Build a system for continuous improvement, based on real data.
  • Connect with funders who share your goals and values.
  • Keep your team aligned, so everyone is working toward the same goals.

With this tool, you'll simplify your process, boost clarity, and increase your chances of funding success.