Claim your Organization's Impact Profile in UpMetrics

Join the hundreds of mission-driven nonprofits using UpMetrics to raise more capital, learn from their data, and measure impact with ease and precision.

Show off your commitment to meaningful change.

Claim your impact profile to sign up for our Starter Plan and unlock free, unlimited access to foundational features of our platform, perfect for getting started.

These include our impact framework builder, themed framework templates, and the ability to create and publish a public profile page. 

Not sure why an Impact Framework is important?

Read our blog: Why Every Nonprofit Needs an Impact Framework.

Why UpMetrics?

💸  Raise more Funding: Tell an impact story backed by clear and credible data to support effective grant applications and fundraising initiatives.

👋  Connect with Grantmakers: Get matched with mission-aligned grantmakers based on shared impact goals.

💝 Showcase your Work: Tell an effective impact story to showcase the impact your organization is creating, inspire grantmakers, and attract new supporters.

📊  Measure Impact: Gather and visualize impact data to track and measure the outcomes of your work and simplify reporting.

🎯 Improve your Programs: Use data-driven insights to inform and optimize your programs and accelerate your impact.

Claim Profile

Example Impact Framework on a public Impact Profile

Why do you need an Impact Framework?

  • Stand out in grant applications and fundraising initiatives by making your goals and results crystal clear to funders and partners.
  • Clearly communicate your mission and impact so everyone understands your value.
  • Set measurable objectives that guide your strategy and show real progress.
  • Focus on the right actions to fulfill your mission effectively.
  • Build a system for continuous improvement, based on real data.
  • Connect with funders who share your goals and values.
  • Keep your team aligned, so everyone is working toward the same goals. 
FAQ: How did my organization's Impact Profile get on UpMetrics?