Social Impact Showcase

Tell us about your nonprofit's mission and how you're creating and measuring impact to be featured in our Social Impact Showcase! 

Plus, one nonprofit will receive a $50,000 grant towards furthering the impact of an upcoming project or initiative!
 Application Requirements:
  1. Finalize your Impact Framework and submit the public link to view your Framework in the form to the right.
  2. Film and submit a short 2-3 minute video explaining your organization's work and impact framework, as outlined in our Video Details and Instructions document.


To navigate back to the main Social Impact Showcase webpage, please click here.


Key Timelines:

Application Opens: September 3, 2024

Application Deadline: November 8, 2024

Top 6 Announced: November 15, 2024

Showcase Event: December 10, 2024


Apply to the Showcase


Eligibility Requirements

We welcome participation from all nonprofits that are part of our customer community and on a paid version of our platform.

Please Note: Customers on the free Starter Plan tier of our platform are not eligible to participate. If you'd like to participate, please consider upgrading to one of our low-cost monthly subscriptions.