Collectively, We Can Be Doing More

How Thrive Chicago is Leveraging Data to
Optimize the Impact of their Nonprofit Network

Thrive Chicago is leveraging impact data in UpMetrics to identify and address gaps and areas of need that cannot be seen without data analysis, seeking out neighborhoods in Chicago where understanding community context, incorporating community voice, and developing responsive and inclusive strategies are critical. 
UpMetrics Thrive CHI Customer Story

"The UpMetrics team's ability to coach organizations in developing relevant and measurable KPIs, in conjunction with the functionality of the UpMetrics dashboards, have been indispensable in facilitating data accessibility for cross-functional teams."

- Jessica Dargiel, Data and Learning Manager at Thrive Chicago

Download the full case study

Challenges before UpMetrics

  • Difficult to not just establish metrics for success but also provide the means to collect this data.

  • The majority of funding is used execute their programs, leaving little room to invest in capacity-building around collecting and analyzing data. 

  • Limited ability to innovate, optimize existing operations, or to grow and expand their impact without access to data.

  • Improve transparency across teams and up to leadership.


After Engaging with UpMetrics

  • Established clear key performance indicators (KPIs) around success for each of the areas where they wanted to measure their impact.
  • Able to establish resiliency, inclusivity, and data-driven practices within existing programs and initiatives.
  • With continuous access to program impact data, nonprofit partners are able to create meaningful and sustainable improvements in their communities. 
  • Improved access to funding through use of impact data.
  • Dashboards incorporate Census data, providing community context when evaluating programs.
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